Follow the love of money to hate

Brenda H.
3 min readJun 16, 2020

The love of money is the root of all evil, said Paul in a guiding letter to Timothy, who was spreading the burgeoning faith known as Christianity.

As a capitalistic society, we Americans love money. We love to make money and anytime we can make more of it we will. To persuade others of the benefits of possessing more money, we have framed international trade as the pathway to global peace.

We are failing at global and domestic peace because the love of money is the root of all evil. It has widened the gap between the haves and have nots. Our have nots still have far more than the have nots in other parts of the world.

Thou shalt not envy. Yet, when you are starving to death, envy seems to be a self-righteous proclamation from someone who isn’t hungry.

Behavior is communication. When you live in a society which punishes freedom of expression, then people go underground to have universal needs met. In our society, it’s the epidemic of drug use in our young people. In societies where stronger discouraging boundaries are in place for drugs, then people go underground and join ISIS. Either avenue is a prescription for death.

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Brenda H.
Brenda H.

Written by Brenda H.

A not-yet-60-year-old Texas transplant is making retirement plans for anywhere else but here. Educated by School of Hard Knocks. Today is Once in a Lifetime.

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